You know how you change in a year? Well I have found myself changing for the better. This advice made me realize something only by changing POV. Last school year I judged everyone. Saying this, I did not really and NEVER to their face.Many of my friends insult people and I always defend them saying ‘you are so judgmental’ yet in my head I am thinking that these populars are people too. NO I THOUGHT THEY WAS CATS. Yes, I was aware of that so better said; they have feelings. It would hurt if someone called them ‘ugly’ even from a distance. They are not famous. If you talk to them, they reply. They do not roll their eyes and say ‘be real’. They care if people like us like everyone. Continuing, one night I could not sleep so I was in a daydream.I think everyone has thought what it was like to be someone at least once,or twice. I thought that someone out there is that person. They try and be a good person just like you. If you are reading this, imagine being in a classroom and hearing something awful yet had to stay calm. Imagine getting hating on for falling in love. You can learn a lot from someone by switching to their POV. With this becomes the most important thing I learned this year; respect. That and the love of semi colons;I am not weird. At the end of the day, we are people in the same mission. That is why I changed and stopped judging or gossiping. I have to admit, I still gossip. oops #sorrynotsorry. Since that is not a proper ending to a blog post: lets go the old fashioned way. I used a semi colon again. I have a problem. Off track so I am going to go to the side so I do not get hit by a train. Stay Safe Kids. Okay this post turned into a trainwreak. I’m going to end this now.


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